It’s Taco Tuesday and for some strange reason fish tacos sound extra appealing today.

It’s Taco Tuesday and for some strange reason fish tacos sound extra appealing today.
The All F’otter has answered my prayers. Behold, water from the sky. Truly magical.
The water has been calling to me. At long last, I return to the place I belong, if only for a little while.
Each new day presents new challenges, for example holding a pint glass with tiny little paws.
Get in losers, we’re going swimming.
If anyone needs me, I’m at the Flying Walrus rave right now.
Bartender, I specifically asked for a Vesper Martini with lemon peel. This is clearly a Lemon Drop Martini.
Work has become less fulfilling. My mind frequently drifts to the sound and sensation of gently flowing water.
I am no longer constrained by society’s stifling rules about clothing, except for formal occasions, of course.
I’ve decided to live out the rest of my days as a river otter. Specifically, this river otter.